Achieve business growth through proactive engagement and data-informed personalization

See how Insait simplifies the life of marketing teams and delivers results.

Use data to help Marketing Leaders achieve your financial institutions' business objectives.

We simplify complicated tasks:
  • Collect data from various sources
  • Ensure
  • comprehensive dataset
  • Identify core customer segments
  • Determine effective channels
  • Identify customers for specific products
  • Predict potential conversion rates
  • Recognize key triggers for customer behavior
  • Reach out to relevant customer
  • Utilize our proactive AI-driven Agent
  • Already integrated with marketing automation platforms

We Deliver Results

Conversion Uplift
Average Deposit Balance Increase
Digital Engagement
Data Points Analyzed
Conversion Uplift
Average Deposit Balance Increase
Digital Engagement
Data Points Analyzed

AI-based platform powering personalized experiences across channels

Insait provides an AI-driven solution to increase your marketing campaigns efficiency. By selecting the right audience, product and channel, we provide 100% increase in conversion and up to 200% increase in related revenue.
Increase Conversion Rates
Insait provides an AI-driven solution to increase your marketing campaigns efficiency. By selecting the right audience, product and channel, we provide 100% increase in conversion and up to 200% increase in related revenue.
Increase Revenues
By giving customers personalized offers, financial institutions not only increase conversions but also raise their revenues. When customers feel understood and valued, they are more likely to engage with the provided financial solutions, leading to increased income for you.
Simple easy to use platform
Insait's no-code platform is user-friendly, taking the heavy lifting off your data team. We handle everything: from connecting to your core and cleaning the data to delivering results.
Agent: Proactive approach to customer engagment
Insait's AI Agent proactively reaches out to customers, offering pre-approved products. It easily integrate with iMessage, WhatsApp, or the web, and speaks multiple languages.

Revolutionize communication with customers

Craft tailored experience for your customers, offering them what they truly need right now.

Our AI-Driven Platform will identify what product should be offered to a particular individual, and Insait’s AI Agent will offer them the best deals and help customers calculate their individual parameters.

Already Integrated