AI-driven Predictive Analytics and Personalized Recommendations

Boost your Conversions
Contact the right people with relevant offers. The Insait platform identifies the right customers, the optimal channel, and provides the expected conversion.
Personalized Touch
Personalize every message to customers thanks to Insait's Explainability™ technology.
Easy to Use
The Insait no-code platform launches data-driven marketing campaigns in a matter of a few clicks.

This is how we helped a $50 billion bank increase conversion by 200%:

For a large regional US bank struggling with low CD conversion rates, Insait’s strategy was a game-changer.

  • By segmenting customers into four distinct clusters and personalizing messages.
  • Insait helped the bank achieve a 200% improvement over their baseline conversion rate.
  • $18 million in total deposits.
  • 50% of which was new money brought to the institution.

Event-Based Predictions

Importance of Timing
Key life events can signal opportune moments for engagement. A salary increase might indicate a high chance of a CD purchase, while frequent support interactions hint at potential churn.
In-depth Analysis
AI-driven engines identify all the events in the customer journey and analyzes what are the best triggers for particular financial decisions.
Know your customers
People’s lives are always changing. Increase the personalization and connection with the customers by knowing what is happening in their financial lives.
Importance of Timing
Key life events can signal opportune moments for engagement. A salary increase might indicate a high chance of a CD purchase, while frequent support interactions hint at potential churn.
In-depth Analysis
AI-driven engines identify all the events in the customer journey and analyzes what are the best triggers for particular financial decisions.
Know your customers
People’s lives are always changing. Increase the personalization and connection with the customers by knowing what is happening in their financial lives.

This is how we revolutionized a $150 billion bank’s loan campaigns:

A large bank in Israel leveraged Insait’s capabilities for a targeted loan campaign.

  • 7% conversion rate, which signifies an uplift of over 100% compared to their previous benchmarks.
  • $12 million in revenue over two weeks.
  • Half of the loans taken by customers with no previous loan history.

Proactive & Personalized AI-backed Chatbot

A Revenue Booster
Increase conversion rates by streamlining customer outreach. Eliminate abandonment rates by up to 50%.
Proactive Approach
Offer relevant products and guide the user through the whole customer journey, even calculating numerical parameters.
Smart and Supportive
Supports more than 50 flows in banks and insurance companies like loans, CDs, credit cards, etc. Speaks several languages and talks like a human.

Discover how our proactive chatbot is redefining customer service for financial institutions:

At a $150 million bank, the AI-driven banker plays a crucial role in enhancing their loan services.

  • Provides personalized engagement and smart, predictive assistance.
  • Simplifying the loan process, eliminating lengthy applications and reducing wait times.
  • Transformed the bank to provide 24/7 loan and CD origination support.
  • The bank received positive feedback from customers.

Enhance your financial institution's capabilities with cutting-edge predictive analytics, timely insights, and an AI-driven Personal Banker.